

27 photos in size of 60X45 cm, digital print on acids free matt paper 350gm, 5 signed copies, Cairo / Manama.



Unedited Version

 On the 11th of February 2011 stands down the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and hands over power to the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces. It was expected from the “Arabic spring” to embody new liberal renaissance in the orthodox regions – off course with the help of the army. But unfortunately, after short period of time and with help of the army, well-organized forces reap the fruits of the “Arabic spring”, and wanted to re-Islamize the country with their own values and beliefs.

The young Egyptians, who had done the first action, and were active in the streets on the 25th, couldn’t succeed to find political leaders to present them. This led, among other factors, to their lost by all political battles.

The only positive thing left from all happenings, is the resistance of the liberal forces against the Islamists. Hundreds of protests and sit-ins frequently happened in most of Egyptians towns.

Therefor the series Facebook-Napoleon is focusing on the post revolution period. It reflects the existence of unexpected and unacceptable violence and over reacted police reactions against civilians and peaceful protesters.

In many photos documented cases of kidnaping, or arresting, or raping and torturing in the street or on jails.

Some images show – in a way – how the digital social networking “Facebook and twitter” and street graffiti – both of them had helped different generations to communicate better with each other. The Graffiti function like open invitation to everyone to protest against Morsi’s regime. There are drawings against the army, Muslim brotherhood, poverty and injustice etc..

Other interesting point in this series is the similarity of the body language of the protesters and the armed forces after and before the revolution, which gives the direct impression that nothing has been changed after “Mubarak”.

In contrast, things are getting worth! The brotherhood and their right radical wings, shows during the first days of Dr. Morsi, how racial and as well incapable they are to govern the country. Since more than one year, Egypt suffers from wrong economical, cultural, religious decisions.

Ironically the painting “Napoleon Crossing the Alps” painted by the romantic artist Jacques-Louis David(1805) has been used in all the images as if it telling us about what happened and how it happened. Napoleon or the “virtual leader” indicates two different meanings: A) Symbolize the power of the Arabic spring; B) Embodied the unknown forces that stand behind this NEW-OLD WESTERN-ARABIC leader!

In any case, the original function of the painting, which was a part of Napoleon’s propaganda to contribute to his rise to power, legitimate his regime, and establish his image for posterity, has been used as it is. The propaganda scheme this time aimed at portraying the fake Napoleon as bringing victory and power to Egypt.

The images in this series show how the fake Napoleon succeeded with his group in creating a negative and uncomfortable atmosphere in Egypt. It reflects the daily bases hunger to control every strategic position in the country, and to isolate all other political forces.

Finally the series is an invitation to everyone who love Egypt to stand against what happening now, through avoiding plans to divide the society into Muslim and Christ, Muslim Shia, and Muslim Sunhat, Muslim brotherhood and non-Muslim brotherhood, etc.


HTH – hazem taha hussein

May – 2013

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